Rage Quit is a game that I made in 2 hours. There might be updates or patches so the game might change every once in a while. To control your character, use your mouse to direct you character (pale square). If you are hit by one of the four Bad Guys (red squares) you will be brought to a screen where it will tell you that you lost and information about leaving the game or playing the game again same for if you win. To win you have to find the green square but be careful of the walls that will send you to the same you lose screen. There are two green squares if you run into the wrong one you will loose and have to restart. There are two different Power-ups, the teel one will make you smaller and faster so that you can get away from the Bad Guys quicker. The orange power-up will teleport you into the general area of the correct green square. Have fun!

Sources Used to Make This Game

-Pixel Art Maker

-Beep Box

-Construct 3


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